Thursday 8 May 2008

Curtain Call the End of the line

It has been an outrageous 12 weeks. From smoking to masturbation, from nasty comedians to religion, in this module we have covered pretty much everything that has to do with life, and whether or not its bad behaviour. Nobody can turn around and tell you, you are wrong, nobody can make you change your mind. This module allows you to make your own mind up, while giving you certain information to do so. I was very pleased by this module and thought it was a fun experience with many twists and turns along the way. Couldn't have asked for a better module.

Nasty Comedians - Nobody can take a joke anymore

Most jokes are made to the expense of someone else’s fault, or difference, or just because it’s funny to do it. Over the last years comedians have been banned from making racist jokes, commenting on people’s sexuality over all not allowed to make a joke about anything. The world needs to lighten up and not take everything as literally as they do. It’s a joke, it’s said in a funny, humorous context, and it’s not said at the expense of anybody it’s just a funny joke. It’s not being said seriously for you to take offence. We all know what not to say and what we are allowed to say, but if it’s a joke everything goes. I’ve had enough of everybody thinking everybody’s hating on each other, and get a sense of humor. Katt Williams talking about Michael Jackson stand up comedy

Thursday 1 May 2008

Jack Ass- What is that all about?

Can someone please explain to me what is the purpose of Jack Ass? I've heard about adrenaline junkies and all that but really people hitting myself on the head with a hammer or seeing how many eggs i can eat before i throw up is not my idea of an adrenaline rush. They aren't harming others just themselves, but by showing it on T.V. doesn't mean someone as dim witted as they are will actually listen to the warning sign "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" and actually get up and hit himself with a hammer. But it's like the saying says "why do i keep hitting myself with a hammer? because it feels so good when i stop", the feeling of accomplishing a stunt that stupid that everybody will remember you as the guy who survived hammer bashing...well done!!!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Drugs - a natural high?

Chemical and herbal are the main types of drugs. We have pills, injections, bongs, spliffs, powder and so and so forth. Understood all drugs are bad for you. If you overdose on any one of these drugs this will lead to your death. Even after gradual use of these drugs you will inevitably die. Everybody frowns upon it. Except the red Indians, they used marijuana leaves to set their spirit free and talk to the spirits of the trees and the world, to interpret signs and clouds and even to heel. It was part of their culture, their way of living. So if they used marijuana as a natural high because of their belief then why is it so bad for us too smoke it?

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Smoking- The Marlboro Cowboys

Marlboro used to be a feminine brand in the 1920s, but then became the most masculine of cigarette brands in the world, due to the overly advertised Marlboro Man campaign, but most importantly due to the Marlboro Cowboy. Wayne McLaren and David McLean, two Marlboro Men, were true Marlboro smokers, smoking like a pack a day. How ironic they were both diagnosed with cancer and died because of their addiction. Both started anti-smoking campaigns when it was too late. If this brand managed to sell every man his dream of being a carefree cowboy out on the range, it also managed to sell them their worst nightmare of dying of cancer. But if these consumers where aware that they could get cancer, then there's nothing wrong in them willingly smoking themselves death. However, the question is, is ignorance better or is knowing the dangers and still continuing, the correct thing to do? Where are we being bad here?

Saturday 26 April 2008

Masturbation - To play with ones self

Masturbation or "wanking" or "beating the bishop" will never be the same again after the much remembered and celebrated scene in American Pie (1999). Apple pie will never taste as sweet as it used to. Now it's become an overrated past time, in which both men and women see naturally inclined too. It's not a closet case matter anymore. It's out in the open and no one really seems to have a problem with it. There are the few exceptions who still frown upon it but generally, everybody is "down with it". But how did it become so open? When did we as a community and a culture allow it to be like this? Have we become too blunt, too vulgar to be precise? I'm not against being open about such matters, but still, masturbation i think is a personal activity which should be enjoyed in the privacy of one's bedroom or bathroom. Exploitation of it is just discusting and obscene. So if you want to "poke the pie", do so in the corner where we can't see you.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Being Too Religious

My grandfather used to work in the mines, very high position one of the top people in charge there. There he worked with his brother, and made a good living. One night after work they went into the pub for a few drinks, and came out absolutely drunk. Right next to the pub was a church, and in their drunk stupor they went in. And came out changed men. In the few minutes they were in there, they say they saw the light. God appeared to them and told them they needed to go out preach his name. Spread the belief. My grandfather went home, and threw out the television, the radio anything to do with the outside world. He forced my grandmother to give up smoking, no impurities where allowed in the house, for this was a house in which God dwelt in. He then became a Methodist minister while his brother went to Africa as a missionary with his family, to spread to Lord's teachings over there too. My grandad also worked as a missionary while he and his family lived in camps and helped the poor and preached the word. Somewhere between helping the ill and preaching God's name, my grandad had an affair with an 18 year old girl and incidentally got her pregnant. Other than the fact, that his change in behaviour drove my grandmother insane, this added to her contempt towards religion. They soon divorced, and as a minister, he got the 3 sons and my grandmother nothing. Over the years, around the time of each son's 16th birthday, they would say goodbye to their father and go off to live with my grandmother. If you ask any of my uncles now, they will say they don't have a religion, and if you ask my father, he will say there's no point in it if it ruined my mother's life. So i put this question forward, is religion capable of ruining people's lives?

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Bad Cinema - Taxi Driver

'Taxi Driver', a film critically acclaimed and nominated for Oscars back in 1976, is about a psychotic war veteran who drives a cab around the streets of Manhattan. Travis Bickle hates what has become of the City. As he drives around picking up fares, he shares with his customers his views on the City. Somebody needs to clean up this place, it's become a waste land, filled with junkies, dealers, prostitutes, pimps, thieves, rapists, murderers, and everything else corrupt. Within his twisted mind to clear up the city's streets, he goes on a killing spree to save a 12 year old prostitute, and is awarded by the state for his act of heroism. Personally, i think this was one of the most pointless films i have ever watched. I know it's been awarded with Oscars, but honestly the plot lacks any actually continuity, i ask what was the point of the film? It is everything it says it is. Bad Cinema in every essence.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Infidelity-clean up the mess you've made

Cheating, getting caught in the act, lurking in the shadows and all that jazz, has been in our human nature ever since the beginning of time. Man will cheat, it's understandable, however not acceptable. If this is a weird way for men and women to get out of messy marriages and relationships, getting sex somewhere else, well there are always hired prostitutes for that. But, this is free sex. But is it free? Once you've done the act of being unfaithful, you have just laid your path to destruction, and every time you go astray you make it harder for yourself to ever be innocent when the light is finally cast upon your deeds. End what you have with your current spouse and then you are free to have as much free sex as you want. However, if you are in a relationship, then you are bound to that person and only that person. You could be a very good liar and be able to cover it up and hide it, but whatever happens in the dark will sooner or later come to the light. People, grow some back bone and realise you are playing with people's feelings.

Monday 21 April 2008

What is the cause of a rebel?

Last week 6 students at a Cypriot school in Limassol, during their Religious Education lesson, got up from their seats, pulled down their pants and took out their male genitalia and showed them to the teacher. They then continued to take photos of the spectacle, with their male teacher in the background. As a result of this behaviour, the 6 boys were expelled from the school and were denied access to any other Lyceum of the town of Limassol. Currently, 2 of the students are attending school outside the region of Limassol, while the fate of the other 4 is unknown. The religious education teacher while distraught by the event, has resigned from his position as a teacher. I agree that this behaviour was unacceptable and disgusting, but what made the boys do so? What drove them to want to pull out their penises and show them to their teacher? Frankly, these 6 juveniles must have some suppressed anger in them, or a need to rebel against authority so as to seem "cool" in front of their peers, while over all they don't realise they have ruined a man's life and probably their own. This "Being Bad" persona must have a deeper meaning than just being a rebel without a cause...

Sunday 20 April 2008

Hooliganism-taking it to the streets

Tuesday the 15th

Just like any other day, the grass is green, the sky is gray, but there is something in the air. I smell it. A change in the winds. Fried onions and hot dogs, the very smells that could indicate only one thing. Football Match. A gathering of fanatic men, belching and screaming as they ascend the stairs of the stadium. They take their places, finding their seat is opposite the enemy. As they watch from afar and growl, they know. They feel it in their football-crazed, beer-driven hearts that today is the day. Today Wolves will score. They smirk at the opposing team's supporters.

Alas though, we have the upper hand. We the management, we the holders of power, we the authority and system of today, control them. NO ALCOHOL SERVED. Clever, and effective. A seemingly small cry of desperation against the ever growing hand of hooliganism, but yet it seems to take affect. No drunken fans today. No cursing men will shout out profanities and end up in pub brawls and knock outs and spend their evening in a cell.

The armed men and women of the law stand around the stadium waiting for the fans to end up on the streets. They taunt the idea of fights. A true hooligan will not stop his ways just because a couple of bartenders said no alcohol served here. They like the danger. The fact that a police man is standing 2 feet away from them while they punch the lights out of the enemy, thrills them. It's a weird adrenaline rush but it happens. It's not enough to ban alcohol from stadiums, just because it isn't there doesn't mean they wont drink before the match, and there is no way they wont drink after it.

This is a population of men brought up with the idea that getting totally drunk will excuse their actions. This is the future of pour little Britain, a community which revels in drunkenness and violence. Banning alcohol from the football grounds on certain matches, saying they can't drink before 10, is the absurd. It is common knowledge, and sense, that when you prohibit someone from doing something, 9 out of ten times that person will do anyway.

Unless people themselves, can change their acts, and clear up the mess they have laid upon us, the founders of this sect of hooligans will be the epitome of this on going battle against it. Not the beer which is served!!

Sunday 13 April 2008

My Addiciton to Ink

I got "inked" for the first time when i was sixteen. For the past two years i had driven my mum insane, saying i wanted a tattoo. My mum finally caved in and for my sixteenth birthday she paid for my first tattoo. She didn't trust to go to a tattoo parlour, she said it was dirty and i could get infected and die ( my mother the dramatic ). So we settled on this beautician who also did tattoos. My mum liked this because the beautician said she was using vanishing ink and and that after two years it would fade away ( three years later i still have that tattoo).

Two years later for my eightteenth birthday i wanted another one and my mum agreed. This time my grandmother paid for it (a bit controversial don't you think?). And this time we went to a proper tattoo parlour "Easy Rider", very clean very professional, i think my mum was surprised.

Nearly a year later now, and i want more. Maybe i enjoy the pain, maybe i love that first sting when the needle pierces my skin, whatever it is I'm becoming a tattoo junkie. This is art and it's a way of expressing what i feel, what's happening to me inside and that point in time. I'm hooked and i love it.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Beginning of Being Bad

The first lecture found us all excited and intrigued by the module's content and what we would be learning every week. Finding out what others thought is bad behaviour, and realising that most of us think the same about different topics. Also the little exersice we did to see what was the worst thing we had done, bemused us all. Someone had given their dog drugs and killed it, someone else had started shouting at his blind mother when she fell down. But then most of us had cheated on their spouses! what a great way to start the year!

Thursday 21 February 2008

Bad places retreat

suggestion 1: is there a tattoo convention we can go to? if so that would be ideal as one of our lectures are on tattoos

suggestion 2: visit a correctional facility....and visit the criminals

suggestion 3: go to a stand up comedy show see a comedian whose jokes are in any way nasty