Thursday 24 April 2008

Being Too Religious

My grandfather used to work in the mines, very high position one of the top people in charge there. There he worked with his brother, and made a good living. One night after work they went into the pub for a few drinks, and came out absolutely drunk. Right next to the pub was a church, and in their drunk stupor they went in. And came out changed men. In the few minutes they were in there, they say they saw the light. God appeared to them and told them they needed to go out preach his name. Spread the belief. My grandfather went home, and threw out the television, the radio anything to do with the outside world. He forced my grandmother to give up smoking, no impurities where allowed in the house, for this was a house in which God dwelt in. He then became a Methodist minister while his brother went to Africa as a missionary with his family, to spread to Lord's teachings over there too. My grandad also worked as a missionary while he and his family lived in camps and helped the poor and preached the word. Somewhere between helping the ill and preaching God's name, my grandad had an affair with an 18 year old girl and incidentally got her pregnant. Other than the fact, that his change in behaviour drove my grandmother insane, this added to her contempt towards religion. They soon divorced, and as a minister, he got the 3 sons and my grandmother nothing. Over the years, around the time of each son's 16th birthday, they would say goodbye to their father and go off to live with my grandmother. If you ask any of my uncles now, they will say they don't have a religion, and if you ask my father, he will say there's no point in it if it ruined my mother's life. So i put this question forward, is religion capable of ruining people's lives?

1 comment:

Sarah Thorpe said...

I think yes religion can ruin peoples lives. I saw a programme called 'Jesus Camp' and it horrified me. It was a place in America where they have groups of children as young as six yrs old, and they preach at them telling them how evil the world is. The youngsters jump up and down, cry and scream out Jesus' name. Now I'm all for teaching children being taught about various religions but calling them God's soldiers and telling them to wage war on the rest of society is completely wrong.
Let them make up their own minds when they are old enough. It may be extreme to say it but this camp is bordering on child abuse, the damage that these adults are doing to these kids will be irreversible.
The camp has been discontinued! (Thank God!)