Tuesday 29 April 2008

Smoking- The Marlboro Cowboys

Marlboro used to be a feminine brand in the 1920s, but then became the most masculine of cigarette brands in the world, due to the overly advertised Marlboro Man campaign, but most importantly due to the Marlboro Cowboy. Wayne McLaren and David McLean, two Marlboro Men, were true Marlboro smokers, smoking like a pack a day. How ironic they were both diagnosed with cancer and died because of their addiction. Both started anti-smoking campaigns when it was too late. If this brand managed to sell every man his dream of being a carefree cowboy out on the range, it also managed to sell them their worst nightmare of dying of cancer. But if these consumers where aware that they could get cancer, then there's nothing wrong in them willingly smoking themselves death. However, the question is, is ignorance better or is knowing the dangers and still continuing, the correct thing to do? Where are we being bad here?

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