Wednesday 23 April 2008

Bad Cinema - Taxi Driver

'Taxi Driver', a film critically acclaimed and nominated for Oscars back in 1976, is about a psychotic war veteran who drives a cab around the streets of Manhattan. Travis Bickle hates what has become of the City. As he drives around picking up fares, he shares with his customers his views on the City. Somebody needs to clean up this place, it's become a waste land, filled with junkies, dealers, prostitutes, pimps, thieves, rapists, murderers, and everything else corrupt. Within his twisted mind to clear up the city's streets, he goes on a killing spree to save a 12 year old prostitute, and is awarded by the state for his act of heroism. Personally, i think this was one of the most pointless films i have ever watched. I know it's been awarded with Oscars, but honestly the plot lacks any actually continuity, i ask what was the point of the film? It is everything it says it is. Bad Cinema in every essence.

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