Saturday 26 April 2008

Masturbation - To play with ones self

Masturbation or "wanking" or "beating the bishop" will never be the same again after the much remembered and celebrated scene in American Pie (1999). Apple pie will never taste as sweet as it used to. Now it's become an overrated past time, in which both men and women see naturally inclined too. It's not a closet case matter anymore. It's out in the open and no one really seems to have a problem with it. There are the few exceptions who still frown upon it but generally, everybody is "down with it". But how did it become so open? When did we as a community and a culture allow it to be like this? Have we become too blunt, too vulgar to be precise? I'm not against being open about such matters, but still, masturbation i think is a personal activity which should be enjoyed in the privacy of one's bedroom or bathroom. Exploitation of it is just discusting and obscene. So if you want to "poke the pie", do so in the corner where we can't see you.

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